Our savings calculations are based on the Q1 2024 national median sale price of $420,800. By taking advantage our limited-time reduced commission of 4.5% instead of our standard 6% for identical services, the average client saves $6,312.00 on commissions alone. Additionally, if the buyer opts to use our preferred lender partner, they will contribute 1% of the loan amount towards the buyer's closing costs. For example, using the national average home price and a 3.5% down FHA loan, this equates to over $4,000.00 towards closing costs. This incentive not only helps your home stand out in the market but it also doesn't come out of your pocket. When you factor in these benefits alone, the total average savings exceed $10,000.00.
Est. Home Value Commission Savings
+ Loan Credit
$300,000 Est. Home Value =
Save $4,500 + $3,000 = $7,500
$350,000 Est. Home Value =
Save $5,250 + $3,500 = $8,750
$400,000 Est. Home Value =
Save $6,000 + $4,000 = $10,000
$450,000 Est. Home Value =
Save $6,750 + $4,500 = $11,250
$500,000 Est. Home Value =
Save $7,500 + $5,000 = $12,500
$600,000 Est. Home Value =
Save $9,000 + $6,000 = $15,000
$750,000 Est. Home Value =
Save $11,250 + $7,500 = $18,750
$1,000,000 Est. Home Value =
Save $15,000 + 10,000 = $25,000
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